Compact and quick to install
Reliability and modularity
Air/Water chillers for outdoor installation, with Free-Cooling. Suitable for air conditioning of medium-large services in residential-commercial and industrial buildings.
- Cooling capacity: 105.4 kW
- Free-Cooling capacity: 91.2 kW
- R410A refrigerant
- Free-Cooling
- Scroll compressor
- Axial fan
- Plate exchanger
- Heat recovery (Option)
- Night mode
- Network operation (Option)
- Compatible with ModBus protocol (Option)
- For two pipes plants
It is possible to pair up to 9 chillers, designed to reduce to a minimum the overall unit dimensions. The modularity, which is NRV main characteristic, makes it possible to adapt the installation to the actual needs of development of the system and to increase over time, in a simple and economic way, the system cooling capacity. Fitted with a free cooling coil, it is used when the cooling request continues into the winter months, or in any case when the outdoor air temperature is lower than the temperature of the return liquid in the system. Indeed, in Free Cooling mode (Free Cooling Plus compressors, or just Free Cooling), the fluid is cooled directly by the external air to the point that the compressors can be completely deactivated, thereby ensuring notable electricity savings. The base, the structure and the panels are made of zinc-plated steel treated with polyester anti-corrosion paints.